Are you Done with DIY?

Is it finally time to do something about your yard? You know, you’ve mowed, trimmed, edged, and pruned the bushes and shrubs that were grandfathered in when you bought the place, but when you take a step back to admire your handy work you realize that nothing really pops. While basic maintenance gives you a basic yard, you have a desire to add more curb appeal, but feel overwhelmed with where to begin.

Hire a Landscape Designergood residence 001

If that scenario describes you, then this is the perfect place for Hutcheson Horticultural Company to step in. Our professional landscaping artists are certified arborists. They know which plants will work for homeowners with a green thumb, and even for those homeowners that may not be the best at keeping plants alive. With over a quarter of a century in the business, they know how to make landscaping elements flow with the elements already in place.

Moving Past the DIY

Yes, there are great resources for homeowners to tackle this task on their own. However, many times a DIY landscaping design results in empty space, a thrown together look, and plants that are not conducive to the environment or require too much time for proper care. As a result, hours and money invested into the update are wasted.

When hiring a professional landscaper, you are not only hiring a landscaper, but an artist. Our experienced Woodstock landscaping team will recommend and price out what plants and hardscape elements will work best with your front yard, side yard, and backyard. Call us today for a consultation to get on the road to creating a beautiful outdoor retreat that you’ll enjoy for years to come.